Women in BFC

Equal Partners in Ministry: Celebrating the Role of Women in BFC Motorcycle Ministry

The women of Bikers For Christ Motorcycle Ministry (BFC MM) are full and equal partners in the mission. Whether praying behind the scenes for those on the front lines or riding alongside their brothers in Christ to share the gospel, they embody God’s plan for men and women as equal collaborators in ministry.

Each Christian is uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit for the work they are called to do. While no two individuals are the same, all are equal in God’s eyes. Regardless of their role or purpose in His Kingdom, every believer is essential to the mission of spreading the Gospel to the world.

BFC MM values the contributions of both men and women, recognizing the significance of their service—whether visible or unseen—and honoring the ministry of all who wear the BFC MM patch.

Bikers Group